UV Distributed Information Management - Questionnaire Assignment 3 ================================================================================ The purpose of this questionnaire is to deepen the student's understanding of Assignment 3 and the topics covered in the lecture. The main focus will be the *correctness* and the *quality* of an answer, not its length. For some questions, we will provide rough hints to make it easier for you. You are free to answer the questions directly in this textfile or use another editor/word processor. The following file formats will be accepted for the submission: .txt, .pdf, .odt, .doc, .docx. Please note that other file formats will result in 0 points (for this questionnaire). The preferred file formats are .txt and .pdf (most word processors support an export as PDF file). In any case, please make sure that the questions/answers are named/numbered properly! This questionnaire will be discussed during the after-assignment meeting. Before the meeting starts, the group will be informed about the preliminary points by the instructor (either at the beginning of the meeting or via Blackboard). The final points will be set after the meeting. This questionnaire contributes a maximum of 10 points to the overall points of Assignment 3. ================================================================================ Question F1: Let's look into relationship in more depth by using the web-based graphical user interface of Neo4j. Execute the following query and have a look at the resulting graph: MATCH (m:Movie) RETURN m LIMIT 10 Now, click on one of the nodes and three options will pop up. By clicking on "Expand / Collapse child relationships", you will see all relationship of this specific Movie node. Then, please answer the following subquestions (each subanswer is worth 0.5 points): F1.1 (0.375 points): Give the name of the Movie node you selected. F1.2 (0.375 points): What types of relationships does the Movie node have? F1.3 (0.375 points): What are the labels of the nodes that these relationships connect to? F1.4 (0.375 points): What are the directions of these relationships? Answer A1: ================================================================================ Question F2: Explain the semantics (i.e., the meaning) of Q3. Answer A2: ================================================================================ Question F3: Explain the semantics (i.e., the meaning) of Q4. Answer A3: ================================================================================ Question F4: Neo4j implements a consistency model called "Causal Consistency". This consistency model is implemented in Neo4j's clustering architecture where clustering (in this context) refers to the architecture of Neo4j in a distributed setting. Please read through the corresponding entry in Neo4j's documentation (link is in the hints below) and answer the following subquestions in your own words (each subanswer is worth 1 points). In addition, there is a bonus question to be answered if you want to earn a bonus point. F4.1 (0.75 point): Briefly describe Neo4j's clustering architecture (0.5 points) and the difference between primary and secondary nodes in this context (0.5 points). F4.2 (0.75 point): Briefly describe the causal consistency model of Neo4j. F4.3 (Bonus question; 1 point): Can you think of pros and cons of the causal consistency model compared to consistency models that provides strong consistency guarantees? Hints: Consistency model of Neo4j and Causal Consistency in general: - https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/clustering/introduction/ - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causal_consistency Answer A4: