Assoz.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Schäler

Associate Professor
ORCID 0000-0003-1671-6508
DBLP Profil link
Department of Computer Science
Jakob-Haringer-Str. 2 (Office 0.18)
5020 Salzburg, Austria
Tel: +43-(0)662-8044-6352
Fax: +43-(0)662-8044-172
Short CV
I received my Master degree from the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg in 2010. Afterwards I was employed as a research assistant and scientific coordinator at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg receiving my Ph.D. degree in 2014. My supervisor was Prof. Gunter Saake. From August 2015 to September 2020 I was a post-doctoral researcher at the DBIS group (Lehrstuhl für Systeme der Informationsverwaltung) of Prof. Böhm at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Since 2020 I have a tenure-track Assistant Professorship at Salzburg University. My research interests include Scientific Data Management, Hardware-sensitive Database Tuning, Time Series Analytics, and Provenance.
Selected Publications
M. Schäler, C. Tex, V. Köppen, D. Broneske, G. Saake.
Towards multi-purpose main-memory storage structures: Exploiting sub-space distance equalities in totally ordered data sets for exact knn queries. In Inf. Syst. 101: 101791 (2021)
A. Englhardt, J. Willkomm, M. Schäler, K. Böhm:
Improving semantic change analysis by combining word embeddings and word frequencies. In Int. J. Digit. Libr. 21(3): 247-264 (2020)
D. Broneske, V. Köppen, G. Saake, M. Schäler.
Efficient Evaluation of Multi-Column Selection Predicates in Main-Memory. In IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 31(7): 1296-1311 (2019)
C. Tex, M. Schäler, K. Böhm.
Towards meaningful distance-preserving encryption. IN SSDBM 2018
D. Broneske, V. Köppen, G. Saake, M. Schäler.
Accelerating Multi-Column Selection Predicates in Main-Memory - The Elf Approach. In ICDE 2017
Á. Elekes, M. Schäler, K. Böhm.
On the Various Semantics of Similarity in Word Embedding Models. In JCDL 2017
M. Schäler, A. Grebhahn, R. Schröter, S. Schulze, V. Köppen, G. Saake.
QuEval: Beyond high-dimensional indexing a la carte. In Proc. VLDB Endow. 6(14): 1654-1665 (2013)