Welcome to the Database Research Group

The Database Research Group is part of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Salzburg, Austria.

In our research, we deal with all aspects of data management. We are attracted by applications that are heavily based on data but cannot leverage current systems due to the rich set of queries they need. The focus of our research is on queries over complex objects and massive data collections, data cleaning and integration, indexing techniques, query processing and optimization, distributed data management, and numerical computations in databases. Our research is triggered by problems that arise in concrete applications, for example, process mining, digital humanities, or cognitive neuroscience. The results of our research are new algorithms with performance guarantees, which are implemented and evaluated on the motivating application.

Nikolaus Augsten
Head of the Database Research Group

Martin Schäler
Deputy Head of the Database Research Group


Paper at ESWC 2025
Our paper "Towards Practicable Algorithms for Rewriting Graph Queries beyond DL-Lite" has been accepted at the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2025.
Experimental Survey on Entity Resolution published at The VLDB Journal 2024
Our paper "Open benchmark for filtering techniques in entity resolution" has been published at The VLDB Journal (Springer).
Paper at SIGMOD 2024
Our paper "Scalable Distributed Inverted List Indexes in Disaggregated Memory" has been accepted at the ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD) 2024.
Second Paper at VLDB 2023
Our paper "A Two-Level Signature Scheme for Stable Set Similarity Joins" has been accepted at the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) 2023.
Best Artifact Award at SIGMOD 2023
The reproducibility package of our paper "JEDI: These aren't the JSON documents you're looking for..." won the "Best Artifact Award" at the ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD) 2023.
Paper at DataEd 2023
Our paper "Feedforward-Aided Course Designs for Similarity Search" has been accepted at the International Workshop on Data Systems Education (DataEd) 2023.
Paper at VLDB 2023
Our paper "Benchmarking the Utility of w-event Differential Privacy Mechanisms – When Baselines Become Mighty Competitors" has been accepted at the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) 2023.
Paper at SIGMOD 2023
Our paper "FINEX: A Fast Index for Exact & Flexible Density-Based Clustering" has been accepted at the ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD) 2023.
Three Papers at ICDE 2023
Our papers "MetricJoin: Leveraging Metric Properties for Robust Exact Set Similarity Joins", "Benchmarking Filtering Techniques for Entity Resolution", and "KOIOS: Top-k Semantic Overlap Set Search" have been accepted at the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) 2023.
Disseminate Podcast
Thomas Hütter talks about our JSON Edit Distance (JEDI) on Jack Waudby's Disseminate Podcast.